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Benefits of Organic Food
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Mariel Hemingway says, “Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body,” and I guess she was right. Yoga, being an ancient art and a globally accepted form of exercise, is the solution to numerous problems in your body. Gastric discomfort is a serious problem that causes discomfort in our daily lives. The causes of gastric upset could be indigestion, acid formation in the stomach, food poisoning, etc. Yoga understands these causes and can help you get the relief you need.

What does yoga do to reduce gastric problems?
• It induces peristalsis, which functions to assist the expulsion of food and waste by pushing the food through.
• It increases blood circulation, which aids digestion.
• Improves bowel movements
• Instantly relaxes abdominal muscles and eliminates abdominal gas
What are some of the most effective yoga poses for gastric issues?
1. Pawanmuktasana
It is also known as the “wind release pose.” Pawanmuktasana is a combination of two words, “Pawan,” meaning wind, and “Mukta,” meaning relief. It is one of the best yoga poses to release excess gas trapped in the stomach and get relief.

How to perform
• Lie down on your back and stretch your arms and legs.
• Make a 90° angle with your knees along with your thighs.
• Bring your knees and your head near your chest simultaneously.
• Touch your head to your knee and hold this position for a few seconds.
2. Vajrasana
Vajrasana is one of the most common yoga poses and is effective for numerous issues in the body. It relieves gastric discomfort, acidity, indigestion, and constipation.It also helps to digest, so you should be fine after your meals.

How to perform
• Kneel down on your mat in a position where your legs should be under your thighs.
• Exhale in this pose and keep your hands under your thighs.
• Inhale and exhale in this position, and continue this for a couple of minutes.
3. Malasana
Malasana is also known as Garland Pose and is helpful for digestion and the release of gas to help your intestines work properly.

How to perform
• Keep your feet slightly apart and sit in Tadasana (mountain pose).
• Bend your knees and slide down, keeping your hips a few inches from the floor.
• Wedge your elbow inside your knees and keep your hands together near your heart center.
• Stay in this position for 30–60 seconds.
4. Supta Matsyendrasana
This is also known as a spinal twist, which helps in digestion and blood flow throughout the body.

How to perform
• Lie down over a mat on your back.
• Stretch your shoulders to both sides and align them with your shoulders.
• Start with an exhale and flex your right knee close to your chest. Touch your right knee to the floor on the left side.
• Stretch your neck to the opposite side, which is left in this position.
• Hold the position for a few seconds, inhale, come to the center, and exhale.
• Repeat the same position for the other side.
5. Balasana
Balasana, or Child Pose, is another name for the asana. This yoga is best done at the end of your daily workout.

How to perform
• Sit on your knees and place your heels under your thighs, also known as vajrasana.
• Exhale and stretch your hands into the air at the level of your shoulder.
• Start bending forward and touching the floor with your forehead.
• Hold the position for a few seconds.
6. Paschimottanasana
It is a seated bend pose, which is an easy and basic asana to be performed while sitting.

How to perform
• Sit down on your mat with your legs stretched forward.
• Inhale and raise your arm above your head towards the ceiling.
• Exhale and bend towards the knees. Your hands should be close to your feet, and your chest should be close to your knees.
• Hold in the position for a few seconds.
7. Halasana
This word is a combination of two Sanskrit words, “hala,” meaning plough, and “asana,” meaning pose. As a result, plough pose. Apart from helping to improve digestion and reduce constipation, it also helps to reduce weight.

How to perform
• Lie down on your back and keep your palms flat on the ground.
• Inhale and press the ground with your palms, then raise your legs slowly in the air.
• Try to make a “V” position with your legs touching the ground behind your head.
• Hold on to the position for a few seconds before getting back to normal. (Ensure there’s no pressure on the neck and avoid injuries while rolling back.)
8. Setu Banda Sarvangasana
This asana is also known as the bride pose and helps to relieve bloating and gas.

How to perform
• Place your feet on the floor and begin to move them backwards slightly.
• Fold your knees so that they touch the ground, and place your feet hip-distance apart on the floor.
• Keep your palms down and touch the ground.
• Inhale and push your hips back by pressing the back of your shoulder.
• Maintain a neutral neck by lengthening your tailbone and sliding your shoulder blades down the back.
• Hold the position for a few seconds and release.
The bottom line
Yoga can help keep you fit and healthy and treat numerous day-to-day issues. The given yoga positions can help you release gas and treat your gastric issue in no time.
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