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6 effective exercises to lose belly fat

Belly fat, the unwanted and uninvited guest of our body that we all hate. The fat hanging out of the stomach making us feel like we are pregnant all the time (even the male’s), is belly fat. In medical terms, the excess fat around the abdomen which develops over time is belly fat.


Benefits of Organic Food

Organic food is a brilliant choice for health, as it is free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. Consumption of organic food without artificial chemicals and preservatives is an excellent choice to make them healthy and tasty.



Our stomachs have a natural acid to digest food and kill ingested bacteria. When the level of this acid exceeds the required level, it causes acid reflux. Acidity is caused by a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus or food pipe, causing irritation.


Why is Sunlight important to you?

Since childhood we have heard the importance of sunlight for animals and plants life, but do we know the pivotal role sun plays in human life? The warm and bright rays of the sun, that is the sunlight, are essential for our body in many ways.



Sugar is one of the most important items on our grocery list and people don’t forget it. May it be a good morning tea or an evening shake, an occasion celebrating sweet or a celebration cake, sugar is all over in our diets. Even after being a necessity for our health plans and diet, intake of sugar should be in limit and control, as the impact of sugar consumption on health can be a matter of detailed discussion.


Importance of water

Water is essential for our body, yeah everybody knows that. But do you know why water is of such great importance? Why drinking less water is defined as a serious issue? In this article, I will try to sum up a few points on the importance of water. 


Everyday yoga exercises

Stress is an unavoidable part of our daily modern life. But living with it every day does affect our health both the physical and the mental. We do have a solution to get out of this stress and get ourselves into a deep calm mental state.