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Stress is an unavoidable part of our daily modern life. But living with it every day does affect our health both the physical and the mental. We do have a solution to get out of this stress and get ourselves into a deep calm mental state.

A calm mind is a key to getting a solution, to get answers to each question. This calmness comes with Yoga. Yes, yoga is the best solution to lead yourself with a positive, calm, and healthy mindset.

Yoga is both a scientific and spiritual process to upgrade your physical strength, flexibility, and mental and emotional health. But the key factor to getting these positive results from yoga is consistency. Consistently practicing yoga not only helps you today but prevents many health-related problems in the long future.

Giving 1 hour daily to yoga is great, but giving at least 15-20 mins to yoga is also good. Give 15-20 mins daily to define and live a complete 24 days with a happy and positive mindset. Isn’t it a great deal?

But the question most of you might get is which yoga routine you should follow. To help you cross this problem, I have come up with a list of yoga asanas you should practice every day. These asanas are effective and easy to do for beginners, so let me list them those asanas. The short description for each level is beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Types of Asanas

  • Trikonasana: Trikona stands for Triangle in Sanskrit. This triangle pose is a basic yoga pose that is even practiced by advanced yoga practitioners. This pose stretches the hamstrings, and hips andYoga with Dt Suman opens up the shoulder and arms. It strengthens the legs and core as well. For beginners, Start with extending the hand near or below the knee. Switching to complete stretch towards feet might cause undue tension and stretch. Maintain balance while performing the pose. Intermediate one should try to avoid bending knees during the stretch. Also, try to keep the belly engaged and stretch the lower back. Advanced one should try to avoid leaning forward and align the torso with a leg. Keep practicing it daily.
  • Setu Sarvangasana: “Setu” again is a Sanskrit word meaning bridge. This is the easiest pose to remove the stress and relax your front body. Your upper body and spine feel energized and gets relaxed. In this pose, you raised your pubic bone while using your feet and shoulders as ground supports. If you are a beginner start this pose along with lower back support. You can use a pillow or something to support your spine for a few initial days. If you are at an intermediate level try using the small pillow in between your thighs while you do this pose. It helps you increase your thigh strength. Advanced level people can try using more height support which will make to stretch on toes instead of feet.
  • Head to Knee pose: In this, you have to stretch your left leg and fold your right leg near your left thigh and vice versa. And bend your upper body to hold your feet. It stretches the hamstring muscle as well spine. It helps you create great posture and stimulates the kidney and liver. If you are a beginner don’t force yourself to hold your feet in one go. Go gently and increase the stretch level gradually. Intermediate and advanced level peeps try to keep the leg completely stretched and touching the ground. Avoid lifting your knee.
  • Adho Mukha savasana: Also known as Downward Dog pose. It is part of the asanas we do in sun salutations(Surya Namaskara). It helps you strengthen your arms, legs, and shoulder. It helps reduce arm fat too. This regulates the flow to your scalp area and complete body. Headache or depression-like problems can be easily solved by daily practice of these simple asanas. Yoga has the solution to most modern-day problems maybe it is lower back pain or bad skin health. Daily consistent practice of these asanas gets you out of it. Moving forward,
  • Cat-Cow stretch: Cat-Cow is a basic stretch that relaxes the tension in the spine and overall body. This simple basic asana is part of every yoga practitioner. Cow pose helps you relax your shoulder, chest, and stomach region. While the cat pose relieves neck and lower back strain. Irrespective of the level, you should add this to your routine.
  • Bhujangasana: Well known as Cobra Pose. This is also an intermediate-level pose that holds good potential. Cobra pose stretches full body from neck to toe. If you are a beginner try to raise your head only till the point at which you can look horizontal. Don’t try to pull the head backward, gradually start raising your head backward. It is recommended for people looking to increase height using yoga poses.
  • Balasana: Bal refers to a child. It is sitting over the legs folder switching from Adho Mukha Savasana. It relaxes your mind and brings calm to your body. This pose accompanied by the long breath is the best pose to calm your body after yoga practice or a heavy workout.
  • Tadasana: It is easy to pose to practice which helps you open up your chest muscles and stretch your arms and legs. While you are just beginning this pose, don’t force the stretch. Gradually stretch the arms, legs and then chest followed in sequence. Tadasana improves your posture and helps you keep your spine straight.
  • Viparita Karani: In this pose, you may or may not take the help of the wall and raise to legs perpendicular to lying on the ground. It helps stretch the hamstring and improve blood supply in the body. You can use a blanket or flat pillow to support your lower back. It energizes your legs. These were the 9 yoga poses you may include in your routine as a beginner. Yoga has lifelong effects and once you get used to it, yoga sessions feel the most amazing part of your day.


The key to yoga is consistency. It comes once you start enjoying your yoga sessions. To enjoy start your yoga session with positive and happy thoughts. Feel lucky and healthy that you are following your yoga routine.

All the best if you are beginning your yoga journey.

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